We had a small group Sunday, but we had fun and were well rewarded with many sightings. We had a hard time deciding whether to look to look left or right, we were out on one of are farther out trips near where the Sea Bass eat and live about 8 miles off shore! We saw at least four different whales, and many dolphins too, some as close to Belmar as just outside the mouth of Shark River.
Danielle our naturalist was able to confirm that the whales were around 35 feet long and were lunge feeding and it was beautiful to see. Whale breath is a unique smells you sometimes get if you are close and downwind from a blowing whale as it surfaces. The sound is loud, and the smell is… Well, lets says unique!
I promise you we do not overcrowd the boat, and we ask everyone to wear a mask while boarding until seated. We want a safe enjoyable trip for everyone. This past weekend we had little children to adults over 80 years, we are respectful of everyone during these times.