I’m too tired to write a review for the trip so her is Linda’s
It was a Gold Medal type of day! I was disappointed that I didn’t go whale watching yesterday because they saw breaching whales.
But today was the best! Saw dolphins and then continued on in search of a whale. Unbelievable! Saw 2 whales lunge feeding simultaneously! These whales looked larger than what I am use to seeing. Remember for each foot in length, there is a ton of weight. So a 35 foot whale weighs about 35 tons! How can they lunge and breach! They lunge fed numerous times. On some of the pictures you can see the fish around the whales and in their mouths. We saw Jerry! This whale was named Jerry because he was “found” on Jerry Garcia’s birthday! I think on the right side of his body are the marks of a propeller. He is doing fine. Today was perfect “10” and it clearly won a gold medal in synchronized lunge feeding.
Today was special Whale Watching trip review July 27th photos
I knew it was gonna be a special day when I saw the early morning sky what is sunrise go to the beach Belmar.
We left the shark River headed north past the crowded beaches of Avon by the Sea. GPS directions has really put the hidden little town of Avon, on the best beaches in NewJersey map
We then encountered a nice pod of dolphins off Monmouth beach, we didn’t want to stay long as we were looking for whales! Big whales
After observing the beautiful bottlenose dolphins we continue our journey north off of Sandy Hook about 3 to 4 miles offshore oh Sandy Hook beautiful waters NewJersey near the border of New York city. These wells really prefer to be in the waters off of New Jersey it’s just a beautiful site.
Here are a few photos of the beautiful pair of humpback wells we saw one much larger than the other I won’t care says to their ages.
Tuesday was a gorgeous day in the ocean it was nice breeze beautiful come motions conditions average size crowd for a weekday round 50 people it was just beautiful come out well watching with us we have the best guides you and your family will learn a lot about wells in about a Roshan‘s and about how the whales are coming back to New Jersey. It was fitting that today was national New Jersey day and we had a fantastic experience with two beautiful humpbacks at least 50 to 60 dolphins we also saw flying fish. #nationalnewjerseyday
Trip Report July 26th Superpod of Dolphins dazzles passengers today
We left Belmar marina headed out the shark River towards Asbury Park. We encountered a group of 20-30 dolphins stayed with them about 15 mins. We then continued our trip north to the whale feeding groups. We could find any whales today but we were rewarded with a dazzling display of a dolphin superpod.
Here are some photos from today’s trip. Remember when you book with Jersey Shore Whale Watch, We guarantee you will see a whale on our trip or your next trip is free. We had some very happy customers that qualified for a free return trip today, see you soon on jersey shore whale Watch.
Saturday whale watching report
July 24, 2021
A whale of a family affair today!
What an incredible, unique day we had!! We headed north past Asbury , Long Branch and Sandy Hook towards the New York Harbor. Great views of the NYC skyline! We passed dolphins on the way which is always fun, but it didn’t prepare us for what we were about to see. Just past Sandy Hook we came upon two whales, but not the usual juvenile males we see. This duo was actually a mother whale and her calf!! It was so amazing to watch the mother and baby surface side by side! The mother whale was teaching her calf how to lunge feed! It was such a special thing to witness. Truly once on a lifetime experience! As a matter of fact, while seeing whales off the Jersey Shore is common, seeing a mother and calf in these waters is pretty rare. Through our partnership with Gotham Whale we hope to identify this mother whale and learn more about her and her travels. We had perfect weather, perfect ocean conditions and an amazing experience watching this family of whales! This family was spotted earlier this week but we don’t know how long they will be staying around. Don’t wait any longer to book your trip!! Bring your family, bring your friends, whale watching is something everyone enjoys! We promise you will have a great time and we also guarantee you’ll see a whale or you come back for free!
Don’t miss out, book your trip today!
Trish DeVoe, Naturalist, Jersey Shore Whale Watch
Sent from my iPhone
Spinning sharks 2 whales and Dolphins today
Trifecta Thursday whale watching review
Whale Report July 22, 2021
Triple Header Today!!!
Jersey Shore Whale Watching
Wednesday whale watching trip review
Very short trip review I wasn’t on the trip Wednesday I took a much-needed day off seven days a week we are watching is a lot and I just needed to do some personal stuff around the house LOL anyway here it is
We left Belmar went along the shark river heading north towards Asbury park and we went about 4 miles off the coast of Monmouth Beach and saw two whales frolicking in the water. Danielle our lead naturalist thinks it was possibly a mother and her calf it wasn’t like a small calf so if it was mother and gift delivered bigger than the average calf she got some great photos I’ll get some more of them hopefully today like I said it was a little trip. The trip was lightly attended because it was forecast for rains which really only appeared on the way back to the dock so everyone had a great time they saw two whales dolphins and there was only about 40 people in the boat which is not a lot of people.
If you were on the trip we would love your review.
Tuesday afternoon whale watching Belmar New Jersey
Today’s whale watching trip was much like Monday’s trip we kind of went along the same route up the coast north towards Seabright we saw dolphins and whale along the way. The water conditions on the ocean was perfect a flat calm day on the ocean.Visibility was a little challenging for us to spots whales as the haze from the Canadian forest fires made seeing more than 1.5 miles tough.Monday visibility was perfect over 5 miles so when using high powered binoculars to spot the whales, the Smokey haze made it tough but we still found a very active humpback whale. I will post photos from the trip shortly. Bill
The luxury yatch helped us spot the whale he slowed down in the distance we could see until he was past the whale and then continued with his powerful jet motor engines
Dolphin Stampede Monday!
We had a gorgeous day on the ocean today. We found over 100 dolphins that were swimming all around the boat and jumping up into the air. They were incredibly active and gave us a spectacular show! After enjoying the wild dolphin show, we headed north to the top of Sandy Hook. On our journey we found many seabirds including Wilson’s Storm-Petrel. We had an incredible view of the NYC skyline, but we did not find any whales. They are wild animals and we never know exactly where they will be. It was a 20 mile round trip looking for whales, but no luck today. Even though we didn’t find any whales today, everyone still had a great time. The ocean water was beautiful, the cool air was refreshing and the dolphins were so much fun to watch. No one was disappointed, especially since all passengers receive a free return trip from Jersey Shore Whale Watch. We look forward to welcoming them back again this season at no charge. We look forward to welcoming you, as well! It’s a great activity for a group of friends or for a fun family outing. All our naturalists are experts in the field and love sharing their knowledge of humpback whales, dolphins and other marine life we see on our cruises. We have an air conditioned cabin, large upper deck, snack bar and plenty of fresh ocean air to breathe! Feel free to bring your own coolers and drinks (adult drinks are allowed) and snacks as well. Don’t wait any longer! Book your trip with us today, we promise you will have a great time!!
Wilson’s Storm-Petrel
Oceanites oceanicus Despite its small size and seemingly weak flight, this bird is at home on the roughest of seas, flying in the troughs of the waves during gales. It also travels huge distances — from the Antarctic to the edge of the Arctic. Although it nests only in far southern oceans, Wilson’s Storm-Petrel is often the most common seabird off the Atlantic Coast of the United States.we find these birds following whales all the time.
We had many birding enthusiasts on our trip today, we will be running some pelagic tours, sign up for our newsletter.
Sign up to learn about all our special trips.
They breathe using their lungs and blowhole and have an amazing capacity for holding their breath. Whales have been known to remain underwater for as long as 45 minutes. Since they must breathe on their own, you might wonder how whales sleep at night.We usally see them underwater for about 5 mins time but they can be under much longer.

Sunday whale watching trip report.
We had a great afternoon plenty of sunshine and some cloud cover to make photographing all the dolphins and whales easier. We went north today from the BELMAR Marina toward Monmouth beach.we got the the area of Monmouth beach and saw over 75 dolphins playing in the wake of the whale watching boat. Once we go to sea bright beach area near the beach clubs we saw a whales lunge feeding and showing it’s tail. We really enjoyed the Sunday on the ocean.join us soon for mor fun on jersey shore whale Watch.
Our big boats have easy access for those in a wheelchair we have no problem getting anyone up or down our boat ramps at the Belmar marina.
Whale watching is great family fun and very educational as we have 100% fully guided whale watching tours led by some of the best naturalist in the country.
The sight of a whale showing its tail with New York City in the background is a photograph I will cherish.Come out soon on jersey shore whale Watch and make your own family memories. Any questions call us [email protected] call or text me at 732.451.6003 Thanks Bill McKim
Saturday July 17th whale watching trip report
Friday July 16th whale watching report trip review
After two days not seeing whales, everyone gets a free return trip,to see a whale if they didn’t see one on thier first trip!, we struck gold Friday with two beautiful humpback whales.
Two Whales together and over fifty dolphins!
Well another great day of whale watching in the books today! It was very hot on land but as soon as we left the dock we immediately felt relief from the cool ocean air. We started heading north and it wasn’t long before we spotted a large, active pod of dolphins. There were at least 50-75 dolphins jumping, tail slapping and giving us a nice show. We watched them for a little bit and then continued north towards Long Branch in search of whales until our Captain received a report of a whale just south of Point Pleasant. That was in the opposite direction and about an hour away but we are serious about finding whales! The Captain turned the boat around and we all enjoyed a nice cool cruise south, and it was worth it! We spotted the whale and it wasn’t long before our Naturalist, Danielle, realized there were actually two whales in the area. Everyone was so excited to see not one, but two humpback whales!! Even though we had a full boat, we have a skilled captain who made sure everyone was able to observe the whales and have plenty of photo opportunities.
There was really no better place to be today! Whale watching is a great family activity, especially on a hot summer day. Our whale watching tours are not just fun, but they are educational as well. Our Naturalists have advanced degrees in marine science and conservation biology and love sharing their knowledge about humpback whales, dolphins, and all the marine life we see on our trips. There is so much to discover just off the Jersey Shore. Come explore it with us- Book your whale watching tour today!
Trish DeVoe, Naturalist, Jersey Shore Whale Watch
Here is passenger Lisa U. Trip report and a few of here Friday photos
Well you probably thought today might be my whale watching day. Nice afternoon trip to escape the heat and spend the day with friends. It was so much cooler on the water although the sun was hot and the shore was covered in a haze. Took off from the inlet and headed north and seemed a little further off shore then usual but they were headed to where there was a sighting. Well we found a large group of dolphins and they were very entertainin: tail slapping, jumping, flipping up side down. They put on a show. Probably 75 dolphins in the entire pod. At the same tim, they were notified of a whale to our south. Turned out it was by Point Pleasant. Saw the spout, waited and had a great surprise! It was 2 whales! They were not lunging or breeching, they were simply swimming along and diving down and coming back up. So gentle for animals that are around 30 feet long and 30 tons! Peaceful, beautiful, everyone silently observing the whales. Funny, when people seen dolphins, the are usually happy, laughing, pointing and talking. With the whales, once they are found, people are usually silent except for the yell of over there at 1 o’clock or similar comment, or the shrieks of happiness when they see a breech or lunge feeding. Otherwise, it is pretty quite as everyone one is in awe! Great day!
Monday whale watching trip report. 2 whales an amazing day
A tail slapping great day of whale watching and some very nice Pelagic birds
Well, we did it again today! We found two different humpback whales who provided a lot of entertainment for everyone on the boat! We headed out on our normal course going north and it wasn’t very long until we spotted the first whale right off the coast of Asbury Park. Our naturalist, Danielle, identified the whale as #136. This is the first time this season that we spotted this whale. He gave us a dramatic tail slapping display with lots of great photo ops. We watched this whale for a while but received reports that there were two other whales a bit north, and hoping they were the same whales we watched lunge feeding yesterday we headed that way. We spotted the second whale at the north end of Long Branch. I recognized him immediately as one of the whales we saw yesterday by the distinct curve of his dorsal fin. Danielle identified this whale as #94. Just like yesterday, this whale did not disappoint! He was on another feeding frenzy lunging through the surface of the water swallowing hundreds of bunker fish in one gulp. At one point the whale was so close to the boat we literally got a great view of its baleen plates and the inside of its mouth. It was truly amazing! And another great part of the day- the rain didn’t start until we were heading back to the dock! Another exciting whale watching experience with Jersey Shore Whale Watch! If you haven’t gone out with us yet, book your trip soon! If you’ve been out with us earlier in the season, now is a good time to come out again as we are seeing more and more active whales every day. We are sailing 7 days a week ( weather depending ) so every one can fit it into their schedules. This is one summer activity you don’t want to miss!!
Trish DeVoe, Naturalist, Jersey Shore Whale Watch
Sunday July 11th whale watching trip report
July 11,2021
What an exciting day whale watching today! We left the dock with a full boat in cloudy conditions. We headed north passing Ocean Grove, Asbury Park and Deal. We spotted our first whale just off of the north end of Long Branch. The whale gave a spectacular lunge feeding show, shooting up through the water with its mouth wide open to fill with bunker fish. There were several enormous schools of bunker fish and we could predict where the whale would be surfacing by the frantic activity of the fish at the surface. Everyone was thrilled to see this giant of the sea lunge above the water with a mouthful of fish. We watched this whale feed for a while when we spotted another whale just a bit east lunge feeding as well. We left our first whale and went to watch the second whale who also gave us a wonderful show. By this time the sun was shining almost as bright as the smiles on everyone’s’ faces. Another great day on the ocean watching majestic humpback whales! Did you know that less than 1% of the population has ever seen a whale in the wild? We are entering into peak whale watching season- don’t miss the boat- book your trip today! We have an air conditioned cabin, snack bar, plenty of space on two levels. Bring your friends, bring your family, you don’t want to miss this amazing opportunity to see the humpback whales up close! Trish Devoe Naturalist Jersey Shore Whale Watch
And we had another great whale watching trip Sunday full boat we headed north from the Belmar marina towards the waters of the coast of Deal New Jersey where we saw dolphins and a very active humpback whaler Monmouth beach about 2 miles from shore. The whale continued to lunge feed multiple times, to delight of the crowd. I will post many photos in the morning.Thanks everyone for an amazing sold out weekend of whale watching.
From on of our favorite passengers she has been on over 2- tri-s with us Linda U.
What a day! It was the MOST awesome whale watching experience I have had. Seems about 50 minutes after we left the dock there was a whale in the distance spouting. But as we got closure, the whale was hungry and lunge feeding frequently. I do mean frequently. There were schools of bunker fish all around and we we trying to guess where the whale was going the lunge. There were a couple of younger children by me and the were questing very well. They were accurate but the girl also told me she saw two mermaids as we left the inlet.
The whale lunged fed so many times!
Because the feed fish were so plentiful, we only say 2 whale tails since the whales did not need to dive far down.
After a while, another whale was spotted and this whale was also hungry and was lunge feeding. It was a remarkable trip!!!!!!
Also saw some dolphins but I was only watching the whale. Might have a picture or 2 of dolphins. It was a perfect afternoon and even the weather cooperates. It went from mostly cloudy to a beautiful afternoon!
Saturday afternoon whale watching trip report
First two photos by passenger Anne Marie

Are we headed north from shark River Inlet in Belmar towards Asbury Park deal beach area. Once we got to the deal beach area we encountered hundreds of dolphins frolicking in the ocean here are some of the pictures of the dolphins they were bottlenose dolphins somewhere very young . We also saw a very active humpback whale

Tuesday whale watching trip report

See it does happen, we didn’t see a whale today we did see 100 do,Phil’s but our guarantee to all of you is whales.Anyone who bought tickets from us on Jersey shore whale watching tour website, get a free return trip!
To book your free return trip us email us back with your original purchase email or call us just tell us the date you wish and we will do our very best to get your first choice date free trip filled. Our whale watching guarantee is unique,no one else offers it thanks for supporting Jersey shore whale watching tour all these years, Bill and crew
Here are some pictures from today many dolphins we saw along Deal New Jersey and Long Branch. We are usually just 1/2 mile to 3 miles off the beach, you can always see land!
Whale Watching NYC REPORT July 5th 2021 Summer Fun Whales Dolphins
July 5, 2021
We had a great trip today with a boat full of people celebrating the Fourth of July out on the ocean whale watching! It was a four trip because the whale was all the way up off of Sandy Hook. The trip was a little longer than usual but it was so worth it. We had a beautiful view of NYC and found a beautiful humpback whale! We also saw over 100 dolphins off of Monmouth beach. Everyone was thrilled! Such an awesome day out on the ocean and my beer was ice cold! Enjoy this perfect summer weather out on the ocean with us! You can bring your own cold beer, too! The summer is starting to heat up, join us soon! We promise a great time and guarantee you’ll see a whale!
July 4th trip 3 whales 150 dolphins on today’s whale watching trip
We saw three whales and over 150 dolphins on today’s Jersey shore whale watching trip. We headed south towards Lavellette beach and Bayhead to see the whales and dolphins.
We all really enjoyed the mild temperatures cooling ocean breeze as we set an along the coast of New Jersey just 2 miles from sure we saw three wheels and 150 dolphins today join us soon we go whale watching every day all summer long jerseyshorewhalewatch will guarantee that you will see a whales.
Whale-watching can be a thrilling experience, an adventure on the water resulting in incredible memories and surprisingly good photos of seabirds, dolphins, and of course the whales. It’s an exciting day out: a new perspective, as you watch the coastline recede, and scan the vast horizon for a spout
Come experience the thrill
Intimate Concert & looking for whales sunset cruise BSTREET band review
Photos by m Kendrick
We had perfect summer weather for a sunset cruise with the fabulous legendary Bstreet band on the boat we saw dolphins we were looking for whales it was a fantastic night here are some photos we hope to do this again and if we do you don’t want to miss it.
Being on the ocean at sunset and a hot summer night in the sea is nice and cool was amazing. Being there with some of my best friends was wonderful to some of my new friends with met over the last couple of years. It was a night not to be missed
special thanks to Sam Rooney, whose idea was to book the B St. band and helped promote the show Sammy did a great job. Here are some photos from last night as we were passing Asbury Park listening to the music of Bruce Springsteen played by Bstreet band
We made it home to the marina by 10 PM it was cold on the ocean on the way home; everyone was wearing a jacket or a sweatshirt or long sleeve T-shirt they purchased from jerseyshorewhalewatch thanks everybody that came out it was a fantastic evening what a gorgeous sunset.
I really never expected that this would actually happen the ocean is a finicky place to put a band on the second floor of the boat and the logistics of getting all their heavy equipment up there was not easy either but we did it thanks for all the people that helped us get equipment on and off the boat you guys were great I can’t thank you all enough it was just one of those special nights
Bill Mckim