Jersey Shore Whale Watch has resumed daily operations for whale watching and harbor tours
Face covering is need for boarding the ship , not when seated on the ship but we want you to wear it if you are up and moving around or in the bow of the boat, the boat is huge so there is plenty of sight lines to see the whales and we have had our best breaches when the whale has been to the rear of the boat.
Jersey Shore Whale Watch has been closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak and adhering to the guidelines provided by the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, State and City officials.
RMB crew has been maintaining the fleet, both mechanically and sanitarily, at all areas of our vessels and facilities in which passengers and crew come into contact. Some of the measures we have implemented include:
– Disinfectant solution will be available on vessel for public use.
– Passengers will be required to wear face covering, as per NJ State guidelines.
– Crew is required to wear face masks and will be provided with non-medical grade covering.
– Crew is required to wash their hands at least every 30 minutes.
– Crew is required to submit temperature checks before the start of every shift.
– Loading will be executed by using space marks, to allow for distancing between guests, thus avoiding crowded lines.
– All indoor areas will have door air circulation to allow air flow, by means of open doors and windows
– Vessel capacities have been adjusted to avoid large gatherings and to provide social distancing.
– Only packaged snacks and drinks will be served on board.You can BYOB and your own snacks
– Soap, Purell and disposable towels available on vessels.
– Guided passenger flow on the vessel to avoid crowds.
– Indoor areas will be monitored to limit the amount of people that can be inside at any one time.
Additionally, all employees have been given guidelines from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which include; wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
We have been taking employees’ temperatures daily before reporting to work. Employees that are ill or displaying signs of illness (fever, cough) do not report to work. Employees have been practicing social distancing and wear masks. Additional measures will be implemented as directed by our state leaders as we all safely return to normal.
,Jersey Shore Whale Watch will communicate with passengers through our e-mail newsletter, our. We will update as new information is revealed and we will advise when our tours will be operating again.
The health and well-being of our passengers and crew are our highest priority. We truly appreciate the trust that you place in us when you choose to board our vessels. We are all in this together and will get through these challenging times.
Please be safe and we will see you aboard our vessels soon.
Thank you,
Jersey Shore Whale Watch and the crew of the RMB