Offshore Wreck Trip Report 9/12/2023
We left at 5am while it was still dark. We got to enjoy the sunrise about 20 miles . The weather was warmer than I expected and the ocean was calm. we went about 60 miles offshore and then a little bit south.

We had an amazing last-minute exploratory trip for the crew 65 miles offshore to the Triple Wrecks! It ended up being one of the most beautiful offshore days we have ever had. Here’s the final tally:
25 short-beaked common dolphins
10 pelagic bottlenose dolphins
5 minke whales
6 humpback whales
20+ Wilson’s storm petrels
2 loggerhead sea turtles
2 unidentified sharks
1 HUGE Chilean devil ray swimming with two yellowfin tuna
Stay tuned for our next pelagic trip that will be open to the public!