Saturday, July 1st: Today was a beautiful day for whale watching! It was a warm and sunny 80° day with clear blue skies. After leaving the Belmar inlet we headed North up into Long Branch to look for the whale that was spotted yesterday. On our way North we passed some bottlenose dolphins swimming by. Once we reached Sea Bright we saw a whale spout about a mile in the distance and headed right to it! We got to spend some time with a humpback whale that was continuously lunge feeding out of the water multiple times over and over again! This made for great videos and pictures for all our guests on with us today. We even got a glimpse of the whales tail flukes as we were about to leave which was incredible! It was another gorgeous trip whale watching!
Linda writes about our 2nd trip in the afternoon:
Second trip started right as we got back to the dock. Looking for the Egret and he flew in an landed at a place we could get great photos. The BCNight Heron also flew by and were able to get some good photos! Out the inlet and headed East and then North. Saw a brown pelican. Never saw one before but they had been seen previously by the Jersey Girl. As we were approaching the area from this morning’s sightings, sure enough we saw a humpback whale. Turns out this was the same whale, # 253. There was another whale in the area so we tried to watch both. Saw the tail of one of them. There was a third whale to our East but further out. Of interest, we first saw #253 last year in May. We saw him this year in May. Last year and this year we saw him on July 1. Everything has a rhythm, a pattern in life. Headed to another whale but only saw his spouts. so we had a whale on both sides of the boat. Later saw a third different spout! Then it was time to live and head home. Today the moon was supposed to rise a few minutes after 7 pm. Unfortunately with the smokey/cloudy conditions, we did not get to see the almost full moon over ocean. Long but great day on the ocean.