After two days not seeing whales, everyone gets a free return trip,to see a whale if they didn’t see one on thier first trip!, we struck gold Friday with two beautiful humpback whales.
Two Whales together and over fifty dolphins!
Well another great day of whale watching in the books today! It was very hot on land but as soon as we left the dock we immediately felt relief from the cool ocean air. We started heading north and it wasn’t long before we spotted a large, active pod of dolphins. There were at least 50-75 dolphins jumping, tail slapping and giving us a nice show. We watched them for a little bit and then continued north towards Long Branch in search of whales until our Captain received a report of a whale just south of Point Pleasant. That was in the opposite direction and about an hour away but we are serious about finding whales! The Captain turned the boat around and we all enjoyed a nice cool cruise south, and it was worth it! We spotted the whale and it wasn’t long before our Naturalist, Danielle, realized there were actually two whales in the area. Everyone was so excited to see not one, but two humpback whales!! Even though we had a full boat, we have a skilled captain who made sure everyone was able to observe the whales and have plenty of photo opportunities.
There was really no better place to be today! Whale watching is a great family activity, especially on a hot summer day. Our whale watching tours are not just fun, but they are educational as well. Our Naturalists have advanced degrees in marine science and conservation biology and love sharing their knowledge about humpback whales, dolphins, and all the marine life we see on our trips. There is so much to discover just off the Jersey Shore. Come explore it with us- Book your whale watching tour today!
Trish DeVoe, Naturalist, Jersey Shore Whale Watch
Here is passenger Lisa U. Trip report and a few of here Friday photos
Well you probably thought today might be my whale watching day. Nice afternoon trip to escape the heat and spend the day with friends. It was so much cooler on the water although the sun was hot and the shore was covered in a haze. Took off from the inlet and headed north and seemed a little further off shore then usual but they were headed to where there was a sighting. Well we found a large group of dolphins and they were very entertainin: tail slapping, jumping, flipping up side down. They put on a show. Probably 75 dolphins in the entire pod. At the same tim, they were notified of a whale to our south. Turned out it was by Point Pleasant. Saw the spout, waited and had a great surprise! It was 2 whales! They were not lunging or breeching, they were simply swimming along and diving down and coming back up. So gentle for animals that are around 30 feet long and 30 tons! Peaceful, beautiful, everyone silently observing the whales. Funny, when people seen dolphins, the are usually happy, laughing, pointing and talking. With the whales, once they are found, people are usually silent except for the yell of over there at 1 o’clock or similar comment, or the shrieks of happiness when they see a breech or lunge feeding. Otherwise, it is pretty quite as everyone one is in awe! Great day!