The normality you feel while being outdoor on a warm summer day with the ocean breeze in your face helps you forget about the Covid 19 at least for a few hours, said one passenger yesterday aboard our whale watching trip
Humpback and Dolphin Love 🐋🐬❤️
Tail flukes, pectoral fin slaps, looks like he’s waving 👋 🐋 lunge feeding, missed that picture.
A pod of dolphins smiling as they bow in and out of the water 🐬🌊 gorgeous animals, so. much. fun.
The above is what one regular customer posted about yesterdays trip review whale watching from Belmar
Sunday was a fun trip first We headed south towards Manasquan to follow a whale reported in the area by a large fishing boat describing the whale whale as large and grey, this could be a Fin whale. We searched the area with clear skies we could see many miles in each direction. We did not see the whae so we headed north towards Asbury Park about 3 miles off the coast of the beach in asburypark we spotted a whale! the whale did a few behaviors as we watched from a safe distance. Our naturalist pointed out lunge feed , tail slapping and 2 mins of loud fin slapping, oh and we all got to smell whale breath! Our captain Alan did a great job of staying in a good viewing range of this very active whale Sunday.
We all enjoyed the relaxed family atmosphere of the 2 deck whale watching boat . Join us soon call to book your trip 732.451.6003 or buy online at
We also saw many dolphins near the whale they were swimming together for a while