Linda writes:
Last of the real hot days for now and it was beautiful on the water. While still in the inlet saw the Great Egret and Great Blue Heron as well as the Black Crowned Night Herons who were hiding in their usual spots. The osprey nest had at least one bird there. We did not even reach the ocean yet and the temperature was so much cooler! Onto the calm ocean and headed east. Quickly we saw a large amount of dolphins in several pods. They we pretty active so that was fun. Continued north and around Long Beanch there was a whale. It teased us several times by taking deep dives but not showing his tail. At times he seemed to be just hanging at the surface and other times moving more quickly but still not showing his tail. I went to look at my phone and actually said, “ I hope he doesn’t breach now” and viola! A full breach out of the water in front of the boat! Saw it but was not able to get to the camera in time! The sound of the whale slamming down on the water is so loud and the spray so large. That breach was phenomenal. After some more time with this whale we went further up north and then went back along the coast. The beaches were packed. Saw sone cow nosed rays along the way out and back. The water was a little choppy on the way back and you could hear the children laughing and yelling with delight as they got sprayed by the water.
Met sone very nice people on board. Such a great adventure.