Another beautiful day on the water!! Again, only a couple of passengers had ever seen a whale in its natural habitat. Had the feeling it was going to be a great day because we were still in the inlet and saw so much action! Two osprey we’re flying and fighting over a fish, saw the Black Crowned Night Herion, and saw the osprey on their nest. Excitement was in the air. Big crowd and quite a few children which just added to the anticipation. They all agreed that they were going to help all of us look for the whales. As we headed up towards Sandy Hook, found a humpback whale and he surprised us almost immediately with a lunge feed. He also threw his tail , put his pectoral fin up in the air, and followed later by another lunge feed. At the same time there was a dolphin breaching near the beach followed by other dolphins in close to the beach. Did you want to watch the dolphins or the whale? Many times dolphins and whales are in the same area because they feed on the same type of fish. Later, Danielle announced a second whale behind the boat to the east and our first whale was headed towards whale number 2. After awhile, it seems the whales had better things to do then entertain us and seemed to disappear. On the way home saw lots of dolphins along the beach. Everyone was saying what a great time they had and one family even asked when was the next trip. I asked some of the children what was the best part of the trip to which they replied, “ the whales” but they also enjoyed seeing the dolphins. They had a blast!
// by bill mckim