- Whale Watching trip report Sunday July 28th Fantastic!
- We saw many breaches of at least two different whales
- We had over 55 people on the trip along the New Jersey coastline
- We could see land at all times, we were about 3 miles offshore
- People loved seeing the whales and the tons of bunker bait fish that the whales love Menhaden
- Check out the photos and book your trip now, what are you waiting for We even guarantee you will see a whale with our whale check program
- Our trips are all family friendly and safe we go every Wednesday and Sunday from the Belmar Marina
- The boat is 115 feet long air conditioned cabin with 2 big mens and ladies rooms and a snack
- BYOB is a great feature and save your group $$
Jersey shore whale watch trip photos July 28th 2019 Jersey shore whale watch trip photos July 28th 2019 The Atlantic Highlands in the background! humpback whale Jersey shore whale watch trip photos July 28th 2019 Lunge feed Humpback whale if front of our boat the whales fluke Bunker fish were everywhere!