Here are some photos from our whale watching trip Belmar Marina July 26 2020 Belmar New Jersey Sandy Hook area

Bill McKim’s Jersey Shore Whale Watch Tour
We guarantee you will see a whale
// by bill mckim
Here are some photos from our whale watching trip Belmar Marina July 26 2020 Belmar New Jersey Sandy Hook area
// by bill mckim
Wednesday, July 8 Whale Watching report:
We had a great socially distanced whale watching trip a great group of people some with some very nice Canon Cameras and lens!
We left Belmar Marina at 1:30 PM, and headed north towards Asbury Park fixing to go up towards Sea Bright. There we saw the first of the three whales we saw today. Captain Alan spotted the whale about a mile away from us and made his way towards it; it was great to see. Then Danielle, our naturalist, spotted the second whale about 30 minutes later a little bit to the north of us. The third whale appeared while we were watching the second whale. The second one breached a few times and the third well was doing chain lunges. Everyone on the boat was thrilled; we had a lot of returning customers, and some new faces too. It was a great day on the ocean. I got some sea spray from the warm ocean water on the way back. Speaking of, the water was beautiful and clear; you could see many dolphins everywhere we went today. Join us soon at Jersey Shore Whale Watch, great family fun. We do not overcrowd the boat, we guarantee you will see a whale and you’ll get some fresh air.
// by billmckim
I haven’t really seen too many this winter looking forward to seeing more humpback wells of the beach and Belmar should be starting next week or so then just picks up and gets really big in the fall you’ll see a lot of whales in the fall
// by billmckim
June 25th Whale Watching Trip Photos
The Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) is a North American species of fish in the herring … Humpback whales off the coast of New Jersey feed on Atlantic menhaden
We took out over 30 people on the boat today, (the new boat can handle up to 100 people!) and saw a large pool of Dolphins and then just when people were worried we would not see the star of the show.The first mate Harry spotted a whale!